“…in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27
This is so embarrassing to admit, but I used to be a hater…embarrassingly enough a hater of my own kind: women. I got frustrated with some of the struggles or pitfalls that we girls tend to typically share as a gender; you know, the things like being overly dramatic, unnecessarily sensitive, more prone to bitterness. Yuck! Now to listen to us girls talk, sometimes these are the only traits that we attribute to each other. I also remember as a teenager, feeling like maybe the guys had it better. Their life seemed simpler, more free, and offering more opportunities. I almost wondered if being a girl meant being a second-class citizen.
Just a few weeks ago, I was enjoying some fellowship with about 12 other ladies. The question was posed by one of them “Would you rather work with women or men?” About 10 of the ladies raised their hands that they preferred dealing with men versus other women. As I sat there thinking about the question, it hit me. I have changed- or perhaps been changed. I truly love women now. That might surprise some because I am not one that needs a lot of “girl time”. I don’t flock to parties and get-togethers for ladies. Honestly my schedule won’t allow it, but also I just love the time with my family on nights and even relish those rare decadent times of solitude. I recharge best with some alone time rather than a group activity. But in spite of that, I do LOVE being a lady and being with ladies.
I work with 6 other individuals-4 of those are men. They are talented, hard-working, fun guys; hearing their plans for ministry and monumentally innovative ideas gives me a new appreciation for the masculine drive and ambition. And there’s a warm, sunny atmosphere among us- it’s like working with my brothers! But I truly delight in working with the two other ladies in the office- Cindy and Melanie. I love getting their feminine thoughts on food, decorating ideas, food, shoes, ministries,and, of course, food. I thought about what it would be like without them- my workplace would be quite drab without their colorful presence. When I have been at work on days without the girls there, I quickly began to feel the waters of testosterone and utter practicality rising over my head like a flood. It’s like coming up for air to just take a minute, run down the hall and catch up with with another female who just “gets it.”
Even at our annual staff retreat it’s so refreshing to have the other women in our ministry team Kelly, Kimberly, and Becky there to add their distinct touches to the conversation or to exchange an understanding smile about the antics of the kids (or the men). Plus they think my jokes are hilarious even when the guys just don’t see the humor.
Genesis tells us that creation was not complete until Eve was made. There was something missing…something needed…something different. Perhaps, that’s why God held off on just creating her right along with Adam- to give Adam a chance to see the world without woman and to better recognize the blessing that she would be. And as far as my feelings about us being “not as important”, that’s a thing of the past, too. I love that God gives the garden to both Adam and Eve. (Gen. 1:26-28) And, trust me, girlfriend, the more you know our wonderful God, the more you see that He has a purpose and calling for your life; He cares deeply about you, and you are no second-class, backseat, throw-away.
I suppose it’s true that as ladies- especially when we are not living according to God’s direction and through the life-changing power of His Spirit- do have a lot of baggage (both figuratively and literally.) But that’s what I think is so special about being a girl- we have such great potential. Girls bring a unique perspective to life that rejoices in the small things, adds beauty to what they touch, and feel things so deeply, and I’m glad to be among them.
What about you…what do you love about being a woman or around other women? How do you see that God has made women unique from men?
i have read this twice. That means I like every word
Thanks, Atef, will do.
I love your thoughts on the creation of Eve, had never thought of it that way before! love all my sisters in Christ, couldn’t imagine my life without one of them. I love the warm hugs, laughter & the way we can read each others minds at times by just a simple glance! I really enjoyed your first post Heather! I’m looking forward to following along & the Ladies Refresher!!
Thanks, Becky. 🙂 I feel the same way. So sad that sometimes we forget the good stuff we have in common and the God-given value we bring!
Great comments by a lovely lady. A wise person once said, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”
Nancy, that is one of my favorite things about being a woman- being a mother. That quote is very, very true. Mothers truly have a chance to change the world; I have to remind myself of that some times when things around home get a little crazy! Thanks for posting.
I never gave it much thought until I read your blog but I am sure glad God created Eve. I like being a woman because I can be just me,not someone I am not,I can dress up or down, wear make up or not, be serious or silly, be strong or weak,I can love ,I can comfort, I can be a mother, a Nana, a friend. I can admire other women who have accomplished much more than I, but I can be content to be the woman He created me to be and feel so blessed for all the amazing women He has put in my life.
Linda, beautifully said. I am so thankful for strong, Christian women who have been an example in my life. Good reminder, too, that little eyes are watching us.
I loved this! It is so true… I couldn’t imagine working in a place without other women, and yet, this was a great reminder to choose not to be so critical of them!
In response to your Facebook post… I love being a girl, because I’m no good at sports. Haha… but really, I enjoy being treated as special and delicate by my husband. I enjoy watching girly comedies and laughing at things that only a girl would understand (and pretending not to tear up at happy endings). I love that God has entrusted me with the privilege of carrying a child. Not every part of being a girl is easy, but the rewards are so worth it! 🙂
Alicia, lots of good points about being uniquely a girl. And you are so right, it comes way to easy to us to be critical of each other. Thanks for sharing.
I like being a girl because unlike my Husband, I was able to experience the life inside my body developing and growing for 9 months. My Husband has a special bond with our kids but there’s nothing like the bond I felt when they moved in my body!
Linda, that is so true. There are some things that “mom” just understands and does better than anyone else. Just ask my girls who they want to help wash their hair!
I don’t know if I’m allowed to comment, but that was reaallly gooood! “Creation was not complete until Eve was made”
Haha- yes, Akeem, you are allowed to comment! And appreciating the creation of Eve and the value of womankind might just get you brownie points with a certain young lady- as if you needed them. Thanks for reading. Praying for you and Jamie.